So now that we have a plan, it is time to complete a few items on that list. Sunday morning we finished the winter jacket. The only remaining thing today was the hood. This we will worked on today. It is satisfying to get this project completed!
Now it can snow and get super cold, I am ready!
I am so happy that we were able to complete this without too much struggle. The 2nd, 3rd jacket really takes much less time and effort!
I also found a pair of pants for Tyler that needed to be shortened. Ty does not do buttons, it is very hard for him. He simply refuses. Finding a pair of pants that have an elastic waistband is impossible in size 10 and up. So I better shorten these before he grows out of them!
It was a quick and satisfying project. For his pants I went to Value Village and bought a few pairs. I cannot justify paying $30+ on a pair that he will ruin in about 2 weeks time. I also found some funky Zombie Crossing long sleeve shirts that he loves. I also snagged a zippered jacket from the gap that was brand new! The pockets were still sewed up. A few items crossed off my sewing list! I only need to sew PJ bottoms now. A trip to Club Tissue with Simon meant about 6 more PJ projects. OOPS!