The interior was done with nylon lining and 200g Earthwrap.The exterior is downtex. We used pattern Jalie 2108 and made MANY modifications. The jacket has a detachable hood, an internal drawstring, sleeve cuffs, princess sleeves and fancy-pancy topstitching. The jacket is guaranteed to be warm up to -35 Celsius, and let me tell you it is! We have had extreme cold weather and I am not the least bit cold in this jacket. Rather, if I am in a store or my car I AM HOT!
The back pattern piece was easy enough. I chose to use some decorative topstitching.
My machine has many interesting patterns that we can use. We had fun testing out the stitches.

We ended up using 2 different styles of topstitching and we embroidered my name in the back. This pattern of stitches takes A LOT of thread, and it takes FOREVER! Just be patient and buy a lot of thread!
The fun part came in the assembly of the interior and the exterior pieces. We made princess seams and we put the pockets in the princess seams. The second jacket we make will go much smoother now that we (Simon) understands how to do the pockets in the princess seams. The topstitching of the pockets is where we all went a little fuzzy on. I think Simon is one of the only ones that got it, and he does not even have them on his jacket.
Inside you will see the cuffs. With this the snow and wind have no chance of going up your jacket!
Here you can see the internal drawstring.
WOW! This is fantastic!