Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Serger is BROKEN!!!!

MY POOR POOR BABY IS BROKEN! I do not kn ow what happened. It was fine. I was serging. The I go to turn it on, lift the presser foot, insert fabric, press the pedal and POWWWW CLANK! Now the needles are touching th eplate, things are crooked, and I have no idea why or what happened.

I was so distraught last night. I just got the thing, it cost almost $500 and it is not working. I woke up at 5am thinking it was all a bad dream, then reality hit. Good thing I bought it from a reputable place. I brought it to the store and I have a 1 year warranty. Hopefully this is covered, as I have no idea what the hell happened. The technician only comes in on Monday, so fingers crossed.


Yesterday we received the call that my baby is fixed and ready! It seems that something must have jammed and displaced the loopers. This affected the timing. I am not sure of all the technical details, as my husband is the one that spoke with the technician. The bottom line: We probably threaded it wrong. With the we, I mean me. There I was in my class saying how easy it was to thread. Uhhhh, yeah, DOH! Silly me. Don't tell anyone, ok?

The good thing is that they repaired this all FREE OF CHARGE! That is why it is so important to buy your machines from a reputable store. One that offers service, repair, lessons... Excelle has a technician that goes on site. This means you do not have to wait for them to ship it out, then have it serviced, then shipped back to the store. I had the misfortune of hurting the machine on a Friday evening. And then on the Monday the technician was sick, otherwise I would have had it back much sooner.

Once everything settles down Simon and I will book our free lessons for the Serger. I think it would be very beneficial if we took them sooner rather than later.I just need my Mom to take the boys while we do this. Hopefully in the next few weeks.

I asked Simon to thread the machine and test while I am not there. I do not want to be blamed if it breaks again. See???? It wasn't me, I did not do something wrong! And I am afraid to break it, for real.

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