The construction of the pants went super well. usually the second time you try something, the better you are at it. I was really impressed with myself and my confidence was boosted. Time for the buttonhole. The dreaded buttonhole from my Singer Esteem. It ate it up. *&^%$#!!!!! I brought it to my sewing class. For some odd reason, there are no foot attachments for the Husqvarna's in my class. Odd! My sewing instructor, Pauline, was going to bring in her machine so we can do the buttonhole properly, but she kept forgetting.
Time went buy, I got discouraged. Then we bought our Janome 8200 . I was still scared to do buttonholes, even though this machine is completely automated. I finally worked up the courage to finish this during my vacation. I was able to do the button hole perfectly. Then I lost my hook and eye closures! ARGHHHHH!!! I still did not have anything new to wear to my sewing class.
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