Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kwik Sew 3527 Sleepers size T4

I wanted a toddler sleep that had a zipper that allowed me to change a diaper, the hunt was on. None of the Big 4 made such a pattern. It seems so logical, to have a pattern that allows one to change a diaper, n'est pas? One with a zipper or at least snaps?

That is where Kwik Sew comes in. There are 2 patterns. 3527 and 3922. I needed to make Tyler something first as he has been feeling left out of the clothing give away. Never mind that Simon made him 2 Angry Birds since this weekend, he has to have the next item of clothing. Tyler may not be that great at snaps, so let's try the zipper pattern first.

Tyler chose a Car's McQeen fleece fabric from Club Tissus. Simon called it the Cars material, and I thought it was knock off pattern. But to my delight it really is Cars! Cool. I cut both Tyler's and Sam's at the same time. This pattern is so straightforward and so easy that it took me about 2 hours in total. Awesome! The body is one piece. The pattern has raglan sleeves, with the option of cuffed ankles or gripper feet. I chose the cuffed ankles as I had a felling they would arrive short otherwise. For both boys they fit perfectly. Tyler's could be longer, and I will make it again in a T4 with length added to the arms and legs. Maybe, if I have the time.

 There was one snag... I did not have a zipper long enough. I sent Hubby to the store and he came home with a mega zipper. Very heavy, but it was the good length.

Against my better judgement I installed the zipper, but too far down. The zipper stop is too low, oops. 

Tyler is so proud, and he matches his decor!

The pattern coupled with the fabric makes him look like a real race car driver. he could not be any prouder!

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